making “Just Society”


Collect and create images thinking about judgement.

Looking at this bird’s expression, cut from an old discarded book offered to me by a friend. I took it because the drawing of birds were somewhat unique, a little strange. This bird seems judgemental.

I Looked through paintings I no longer wanted. I cut pieces of the paintings out that seemed relevent.. I painted from photos of the homeless by Lee Jeffries. I looked at a plexiglass painting I had started for fun, using mathematical grids and patterns.and that reminded me of systems, and that made me think of the systems of crime too often unthwarted.


Reading the messages

Figuring out how one’s eye will travel across these little messages. Nothing glued down, yet.

Where do these people live? Everywhere. Who judges them? Time stops for these people. They are a photo, a painting, a symbol.

Of what importance are printed words? To whom? Over time, many cycles of legal communication occur, such as contracts. The earth suffers more as people consume without care. Now the earth is screaming, the insects and animals are dying. Children are listening and can see the damage. We may imagine and feel but not understand what is happening. We are so far from living in harmony with the earth, which seems to be the root of all these injustices.


Keep asking questions…

There are discussions to be had, work to be done. Wrongs to be righted; Things to be imagined and invented; saved and cherished.

Can we trust the land we walk on not to crack open and ooze blood?

Can we take care of what we’ve been given, bring back what has been lost, imagined what will be needed to sustain a future for generations to come?